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There are 431 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Drug testing".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 431

1. Updated: California Limits Cannabis Drug Testing (AB 2188 and SB 700)
Home     About PRISM     Blog     Updated: California Limits Cannabis Drug Testing (AB 2188 and SB 700)

Kristin Morales breaks down AB 2188, a bill amending the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) to prohibit an employer from discriminating against a current employee or applicant for the use of cannabis off the job and away from work.

Tags: dot, Drug testing, Risk Control, Legislation, Marijuana
2. DOT Record Retention Requirements
Home     About PRISM     Blog     DOT Record Retention Requirements

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 49 part 40 outlines the procedures and requirements for drug and alcohol testing, including provisions for records retention. 49 CFR 40.333 specifies the different types of records and the minimum duration for which these records must be retained. Records must be accessible for any necessary audits, inspections, or investigations that may arise. The following requirements come directly from the DOT and apply to all agencies:

Tags: FMCSA, vehicle, california vehicle code, Safety Documents, record keeping, substance abuse testing, driving, drivers, Drug testing, USDOT, dot
3. Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Testing Delays
Home     About PRISM     Blog     Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Testing Delays

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are having difficulties staffing an adequate number of employees. Labs responsible for testing of specimens for the Drug and Alcohol Testing Program warn that their industry is facing this same challenge.

Tags: staffing, COVID-19, Drug testing
4. FMCSA Clearinghouse Annual Query Requirements
Home     About PRISM     Blog     FMCSA Clearinghouse Annual Query Requirements

Employers with drivers subject to the Department of Transportation (DOT) Drug and Alcohol must participate in the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse which requires that Employers conduct at least one query per year for each regulated driver.

Tags: Drug testing, dot
5. Did You Know . . . How to Handle Drug and Alcohol Testing During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Home     About PRISM     Blog     Did You Know . . . How to Handle Drug and Alcohol Testing During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Some PRISM members with drug and alcohol testing programs are finding it difficult to administer their programs in light of the pandemic.

Tags: coronavirus, COVID-19, Drug testing
6. FTA Drug Testing Rate Increases for 2019
Home     About PRISM     Blog     FTA Drug Testing Rate Increases for 2019

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) intends to raise the minimum drug testing rate from 25% to 50% of employees for random testing, effective January 1, 2019.

Tags: driving, Drug testing, FTA
7. City of Shafter
Home     Members     Member     City of Shafter

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8. Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit
Home     Members     Member     Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit

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9. City of West Covina
Home     Members     Member     City of West Covina

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10. City of Pico Rivera
Home     Members     Member     City of Pico Rivera

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