AB 2334 Occupational injuries and illness: employer reporting requirements: electronic submission was approved by the Governor on September 19th and goes into effect on January 1, 2019.
Currently, the Division of Occupational Safety and Health is prohibited from issuing any citation more than 6 months after the occurrence of the violation. This bill changes the timeline for citations or notices by the division related to recordkeeping requirements, for example the Cal/OSHA 300 Log. It does so by amending Section 6317 of the Labor Code to read, "an 'occurrence' continues until it is corrected, or the division discovers the violation, or the duty to comply with the violated requirement ceases to exist."
This means the division could site an employer for recordkeeping requirements for up to five years, the amount of time that employers must maintain injury and illness records.
This legislation also requires the division to monitor Federal OSHA electronic submission record keeping requirements and should this requirement be eliminated or substantially diminished, to establish an advisory committee. That committee would evaluate, "how to implement changes necessary to protect the goals of the Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses rule."
For questions or additional information contact Risk Control.