In our previous blog, Did You Know… You are Required to Electronically File your 2017 Form 300A? you learned that Cal/OSHA was advising employers to comply with OSHA’s directive regarding electronic reporting. At that time, we advised members to provide Form 300A data electronically for calendar year 2017 by July 1, 2018.
Cal/OSHA recently announced an emergency rulemaking to require California employers to electronically report Form 300A information by amending Title 8, Section 14300.41. The reporting deadline for 2017 Form 300A data is now December 31, 2018, so if you have not yet complied, there’s still time.
If you have questions about preparing your Form 300A, check out our webcast found on EIAtv entitled Cal/OSHA Log 300. Please contact the Risk Control Department with any additional questions or concerns.