We are always looking at processes that will enhance your ability to pull data from our website.  I am happy to share with you that you now have the ability to generate a report that summarizes the policy details and coverage that you have with PRISM!  This report is available not only for the current year but recent years as well.

To access this report, navigate to the Coverage Data link on your dashboard

Click on the Reports Icon

Choose Coverage Summary Report in the dropdown

For most members you will only see the entity that you represent.  Those who manage multiple entities will have a selector field to choose which entity you want to run the report for.

You will have the following options when running this report:

Fiscal Year - you can choose which coverage period you would like to run this report for

Attachment Type - you can choose to have this report sent as a link, or as an attachment to an email

Entity contacts options - This report is automatically sent to the individual running the report, but you can choose to send the report to other individuals within an entity based on their role

Additional Emails - In addition to choosing additional entity contact options, you can send this to any additional individuals as well, just add emails to the text box each separated by a semicolon

When you have completed your selections, click the 'Run Report' button

You will then see a notification along the top of the page that states the report is being generated and will be sent to the selected emails

You will receive an email with either of the following options:

If you chose the attachment option, the email will look like this

Here is the email if you chose the link option


Here is an example of the report

We are excited to provide this information for you to use!

We're always here to help!

If you have any questions or need any assistance with using these features please do not hesitate to reach out to member_updates@prismrisk.gov

We value your feedback!  Feel free to drop a comment below or shoot us an email with any ideas or suggestions on how we can further enhance your experience.  Your input drives our continuous improvement!