Search Results
There are 435 item(s) tagged with the keyword "loss prevention".
Displaying: 1 - 10 of 435
- 1. Did You Know...There are Multiple Ways to Track Legislative and Regulatory Changes?
Successfully tracking legislation and regulations is a chore, here are 3 free resources to make this task easier.
- 2. Did You Know...You Don't have to Keep all your Safety Programs as One Document?
Have you considered keeping all your policies separate instead of appendices or attachments to your Injury Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)?
- 3. Vehicle Safety Recalls
Every vehicle owner should pay attention to safety recalls and Technical Service Bulletins
- 4. Did You Know...What to Expect During a Cal/OSHA Inspection?
Do you know what to expect when Cal/OSHA compliance personnel arrive? Here are some of the basics you need to know to prepare for an inspection.
- 5. Did You Know...How to Access Ladder Safety Resources?
The American Ladder Institute has a lot of free resources about basic ladder safety and training information. You can learn about how to select the right ladder for the job, as well as how to identify the different varieties.
- 6. Did you know...The final GHS deadline is June 1, 2016?
The three-year transition period for the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of classification and labeling of chemicals ends June 1, 2016.
- 7. Did You Know...Duty Vests Have Been Shown to Reduce Officer Injuries?
Duty vests redistribute the weight of gear from the duty belt of officers, and over time have been shown to reduce back and hip injuries. Making the switch to bulletproof duty vests can be costly but the Department of Justice (DOJ) has a grant program that can help.
- 8. Health and Safety Training and Information Resources
Frequently those involved in the field of Health and Safety find themselves struggling to find information on a given issue or subject. One place to look for training/information is on the CDC TRAIN site.
- 9. DOJ Launches Pilot Program for Body-Worn Cameras
With growing coverage of police interactions all over TV and social media, the usage of body-worn cameras by local and tribal law enforcement organizations has become somewhat of a hot topic...
- 10. 2013 Year in Review
Happy New Year! With 2014 off to a great start, let’s take a moment to remember all the milestones of 2013. Introduction of MR OCIP: The Master Rolling OCIP (MR OCIP) program launched in early 2013. The program offers cost savings, better coverage, more control, and higher limits of insurance than traditional construction insurance. New…
Displaying: 1 - 10 of 435
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