The winners of the 3rd Annual EAGLE Awards were announced at the October Board of Directors meeting. The winning projects were a blend of risk management and safety initiatives, as well as real life examples of innovation by our Members. Congratulations to the winners who will each be highlighted in upcoming Member Spotlights.
EIA announced today the appointment of Gina Dean as CEO beginning July 1, 2020.
The EIA has issued a Request For Proposal (RFP) for Lobbyist services.
The EIA’s recent implementation of the Little Debbie bot was featured in Techwire.
In order to address the requests of EIAHealth program members, the EIAHealth Committee voted to approve a preferred vendor list for on-site health clinics. Through the extensive efforts made by the Alliant Employee Benefits in collaboration with the EIAHealth Committee, three vendors were approved and added to the list.
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