The winners of the 2nd Annual EAGLE Awards were announced at the October Board of Directors meeting. The winning projects were a blend of risk management and safety initiatives, as well as real life examples of innovation by our Members. Congratulations to the winners who will each be highlighted in upcoming Member Spotlights.
At the October 5, 2018 Board of Directors meeting, elections were held for the 2019 Executive Committee positions of President, Vice President, and seats with terms expiring on December 31, 2018.
As a member of the EIA PWC Program, members now have access to Telemedicine services via KuraMD. Telemedicine marries everyday life’s technology with state of the art physicians. You can connect with a doctor via your smart phone, tablet or PC on a secure video connection. Whether your agency is in a remote location, don’t have access to specialists, or your employees just want to be more efficient with their time than sitting and waiting in a doctor’s office, Telemedicine may be right for you and your employees.
As you may already know, the DOT made an official ruling to expand the drug panel to include 4 semi-synthetic opioids and to remove MDEA from the panel.
In response to wide ranging changes in the business context of the Loss Prevention Department, the Loss Prevention Committee voted during the May 17th meeting to officially change the name of Loss Prevention to Risk Control.
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