Congratulations to the New Public Entity Representatives to the EIA Board of Directors!
Over the past several months, EIA staff conducted an RFP for Critical Incident Services. On Friday, December 11th, the Executive Committee unanimously approved contracting with Mainstream Unlimited for pre and post critical incident services. Based on Committee member discussion, staff was directed to move forward with the service offering as soon as possible.
Santa Barbara County’s use of Carrum Health Surgical Benefit to lower County healthcare costs, while benefitting employees, was featured in an LA Times article.
The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) awarded the Finance Department the Distinguished Budget Award for the EIA’s Fiscal 2016/17 Budget.
At the October 7, 2016 Board of Directors meeting, elections were held for the 2017 Executive Committee positions of President, Vice President, and seats with terms expiring on December 31, 2016.
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