CSAC EIA to Launch Critical Incident Services and Response Team

Over the past several months, EIA staff conducted an RFP for Critical Incident Services. On Friday, December 11th, the Executive Committee unanimously approved contracting with Mainstream Unlimited for pre and post critical incident services. Based on Committee member discussion, staff was directed to move forward with the service offering as soon as possible.

Pre-incident services will include regional training programs and webinars over the course of the next few months on topics such as: critical incident management, communications and media management.  Staff is currently working with Mainstream on suggested best practices, policies and procedures to support the training. Regional training sessions and webinars will be free of charge to all members.  Any member-specific, pre-incident training will be paid for by the member at the discounted rates offered to EIA Members.  Members may access their available subsidy balances to assist in covering those costs.

Details and a calendar of regional meetings and webinars are forthcoming.

Post-incident services include situation assessment and media consulting services which will be provided to members upon approval by the EIA, and paid for by the EIA up to $50,000 per incident.  Any costs above that would be paid for by the member.

Additionally, staff has created a Critical Incident Response Team, tasked with supporting members in need at the time of a critical incident. Each occurrence is different and calls for a different skill set of team members, which EIA will create from existing staff, as well as our service partners and industry experts.  The Response Team is created to support those in need and serve as a supplement to the member's existing staff wherever possible.  Rick Brush, Chief Member Services Officer, will serve as the primary contact and be supported by the EIA executive team.