Mike Fleming Receives AGRiP 2018 Award for Excellence in Leadership
The EIA is proud to announce that Mike Fleming, CEO has been selected by the Association of Governmental Risk Pools (AGRiP) as the recipient of the 2018 Award for Excellence in Leadership. His dedication to both EIA members and operations resonated with the AGRiP Board of Directors, making Mike an ideal choice.
“Mike has been deeply involved in pooling for years, always staying on the cusp of new innovations and thinking,” AGRiP Board of Directors President Tom Barnes said. “This foresight benefits EIA members, as well as the entire public entity pooling industry.”
Much has changed in the 25 years Mike has lead the EIA, including expanding from a county-only organization to one open to all California public agencies, growing from a staff of three to 75 and forming a pure captive solely for the benefit of EIA and it’s members.
Mike always wants to see others succeed, both staff and members. The encouragement he gives to staff creates a positive working environment, which in turn benefits the members and the EIA’s overall performance.
“Mike has a focus of making his people better. This focus breeds an environment of constant learning and innovation,” said Allison Bateman, EIA Human Resources Manager.
AGRiP’s Award for Excellence in Leadership recognizes individual contributions to public entity pooling through transformative leadership, exceptional professional development, and mentorship. Mike will receive his award March 6 at AGRiP’s 2018 Governance & Leadership Conference.
Congratulations, Mike!