As a public agency, PRISM strives to operate in a manner that is transparent. Being transparent is a state of operating where information is in the open and easy to find. This page serves as both an overview of how governance works at PRISM and includes quick access to information the public may have interest in.
The CSAC Excess Insurance Authority (CSAC EIA) is a Joint Powers Authority, formed pursuant to Article 1, Chapter 5, Division 7, Title 1, of the California Government Code (Section 6500 et seq). In 2020, CSAC EIA became Public Risk Innovation, Solutions, and Management (PRISM). The sole purpose of PRISM is to find cost effective insurance solutions and risk management solutions for our members. California public agencies can become members of PRISM. PRISM is not responsible for providing insurance or risk management solutions to the general public. However, our members are California public agencies responsible for providing services to the general public.
Governing Documents
PRISM is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of representatives from member counties, appointed by the Board of Supervisors at each county, and 10 public entity board members, which are appointed by the public entity membership.
The Board of Directors elects a President and Vice President to conduct meetings of the Board and chair the Executive Committee. Additionally, the Board elects nine additional members from its membership to serve on the Executive Committee, which manages day-to-day business.
There are 16 other committees that are tasked with managing business of PRISM. There are two different types of committees: program committees and advisory committees. Program committees are responsible for managing and administering their programs, including membership approvals, renewals and making financial decisions. Advisory committees advise the Executive Committee and Board of Directors on issues such as finance, technology, loss prevention, or claims. For program and advisory committees (except GL2 Committee), appointments are made by the Executive Committee with recommendation by the Governance Sub-Committee.
The PRISM Board of Directors and committee members file statements of economic interests with the Fair Political Practices Commission as do other designated positions defined in PRISM’s Conflict of Interest Code.
PRISM conducts its business in compliance with Government Code Section 54950 (the “Brown Act”). The intent of the Act is to ensure that deliberation and actions of local public agencies are conducted in open and at public meetings. A meeting takes place wherever a quorum is present and information about the business of the body is received.
Agendas for meetings must be posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting and must meet various requirements. The public, by law, has an opportunity to speak on any item of interest to the public that is within the jurisdiction of the Board or Committee, at the time the matter is heard. PRISM complies with this posting requirement. All agendas for the Board of Directors and Committees are posted on our website, under each applicable governing body. Additionally, a meeting summary is posted following each meeting of the governing body.
The Board of Directors has appointed the following positions to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors: Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer, and Auditor. The Board, Executive Committee or Chief Executive Officer shall provide for the appointment of such other staff as may be necessary for the administration of PRISM.
PRISM prepares a Comprehensive Annual Report (CAFR) each year which includes the consolidating and consolidated financial statements, related footnote disclosures, individual financial statements for each of its programs, management’s discussion and analysis containing a narrative overview and analysis of the financial activities, supplementary schedules and a transmittal letter to the Board of Directors. The consolidated financial statements and related footnotes are audited each year by an external, independent audit firm. Their audit report is included in the CAFR document.
PRISM prepares a comprehensive budget document each fiscal year. The Executive Committee provides the strategic direction that frames the budget process. The various governing committees establish goals and make decisions regarding insurance (purchase vs. pooling) and program services. The Finance and Executive Committees review and refine the budget prior to the review and approval by the Board of Directors.
The Popular Annual Finance Report (PAFR) provides an overview of current activities, a summary description and structure chart for each major program along with summary financial data. This report provides an excellent overview of PRISM's activities and programs.
PRISM is a member of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), and participates in its awards programs. PRISM has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Finance Reporting for its CAFR 22 times, the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Finance Reporting 15 times and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award five times.
Periodically, PRISM may issue a Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Qualification (RFQ), or Request for Information (RFI), and/or Notice to Bidders for professional services and/or Public Services construction projects. Those requests are made available on our website when applicable.
Approved by CA Governor Jerry Brown, Senate Bill 272 (SB272) adds a section to the State Public Records Act requiring state and most local government agencies, except a local educational agency, to create a catalog of enterprise systems which contain public information, to make the catalog publicly available upon request in the office of the person or officer designated by the agency’s legislative body, and to post the catalog on the local agency’s web site. This bill requires the catalog to disclose a list of the enterprise systems utilized by the agency, the current system vendor and product, unless, on the facts of the particular case, the public interest served by not disclosing that information clearly outweighs the public interest served by disclosure, in which case the local agency may instead provide a system name, brief title, or identifier of the system.
An Enterprise System, as defined by SB272, is a software application or computer system that collects, stores, exchanges, and analyzes information an agency uses that is both of the following:
You may look at, and get copies of, most records held by PRISM. You have this right because of the State Public Records Act. You do not have the right to look at records that are exempt from disclosure under the Act (such as personnel records, investigative records, confidential legal advice, records prepared in connection with litigation, and information that may be kept confidential under other state or federal laws). Contact Mike Pott, Chief Legal Counsel ( or (916) 850-7300 with your request or for further information.