
Crisis Incident Management Series: Tools for the 21st Century - Part 3 of 8



In the first two webinars of this series, entitled “How to Assess Your Organization’s Preparedness” and “Workplace Violence Awareness, Prevention, and Response: Safety and Security in Today’s Environment”, we focused on recent events that impact local government and stressed the importance of planning and preparation for crisis incidents, before they occur. The topics we discussed included understanding early warning signs, Emergency Action Plans (EAPs), what to do before the event occurs and understanding why organizations sometimes fail to plan properly.

In this webinar, we will focus on the tools needed to ensure public agencies are prepared for a crisis incident. This will require a fundamental change in philosophy on how public agencies prepare, respond, and recover from crisis incidents. This change in philosophy will require public entity leadership to change their approach in dealing with crisis incident management, including changing our approaches to crisis incident management planning.

Learning Objectives:

In this webinar Dr. Bob May will:

  • Cover guidelines designed to provide practical assistance to those personnel who carry the responsibility for planning, managing, and recovering from emergencies and disasters, these “crisis incidents.”
  • Provide concrete definitions and characteristics of crisis incidents, as well as their impact on organizations and systems.
  • Discuss the evolution of emergency management in local government environment, and what direction that evolution is going.
  • Provide an overview of Comprehensive Emergency Management, followed by a detailed discussion of the Integrated Emergency Management System (IEMS) and its use by organizations such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  
    • This 13 step process will help in the development of your organization’s own Integrated Emergency Management plan.

Additional Information:

Need More Info or Help?
We hope you can join us. Feel free to contact Ian Chadwick for more details.

Phone: 916-850-7300

Event Type

Risk Control Training Seminar

Meeting Date

  • Wednesday, March 9, 2016
    9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Webinar Information

Webinar Link

Webinar Location:
EIA TV - General Liability