Safety Management Certification: Safety and the Supervisor
Join Juan Cajandig, PRISM Senior Risk Control Specialist, CSP, CFPS, MAS, ARM for Safety and the Supervisor
Please also consider attending the companion course on July 24: Learning to Use the GISOs.
Course description:
Safety and the Supervisor focuses on the Injury and Illness Prevention Program. This safety management system provides the essential tools supervisors need to prevent injuries and illnesses in the workplace. Individual system components are explained in detail along with implementation techniques. The Tosco Refinery fire is discussed which led to new laws making management responsible and accountable for employee health and safety.
Pre-Course Requirement:
***Obtain a copy of your organization’s Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) and bring it to class.***
This course is one of 5 that make up the Safety Management Certification, Please visit our website to learn more.
Need More Info or Help?
We hope you can join us. Feel free to contact Doug McGill for more details.
Phone: 916-850-7300
Risk Control Training Seminar
Webinar Location:
Zoom Video Conference