
First Responder Program (ConcernPlus)



Specialized Services for First Responders and their Families

Police, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs and support staff regularly face challenging, dangerous, and stressful situations. Frequent exposure to traumatic events, as well as threats to personal safety, constant crisis and poor sleep, can add up, taking a toll on mental health and emotional wellbeing. 

This PRISM ConcernPlus First Responder Program was developed to address the specific challenges faced within the First Responder Community.  ConcernPlus models the core components of Concern EAP (counseling, financial, legal and parenting assistance), but for First Responders, Concern provides a much more enhanced care approach specifically for First Responders.

ConcernPlus services includes:

  • First Responder Specialty Provider Panel
    • Culturally competent, uniquely qualified counselors
    • Trauma-trained specialists (PTSD • Anxiety • Depression)
    • Specialized training, experience (EMDR • CBT • Brainspotting)
    • Available for fast response and critical incident stress debriefing
    • Virtual or in-person access
    • Located throughout California
  • 24/7 digital and phone access
  • “In the Moment” clinical support
  • Critical Incident Response and Debriefing
  • Health and wellness trainings/live webinars
  • Peer-to-peer awareness program

ConcernPlus offers extended visits (8-15 per event) and continuity of care.  This Program is tailored to meet the specific needs of PRISM members and each agency is underwritten individually.

For additional information or to request a quote, please contact: 

Sidney DiDomenico, Director of Employee Benefits 
Phone:  916-850-7300

Special Thanks to Our Task Force

In 2022, PRISM assembled a Public Safety Task Force (PSTF) in order to engage in discussions regarding the critical need for enhanced Public Safety support services.  The Task Force represented professionals from across California counties/cities with expertise in Law Enforcement, Human Resources, Risk Management and included a First Responder Mental Health provider. They openly discussed and provided their perspective on the immediate/unique needs of First Responders, often sharing insight into the struggle public agencies face in finding the specialized care needed to support First Responders and their families.

The Task Force worked alongside PRISM and Alliant to create a comprehensive Request For Proposal that ultimately helped in defining this Program.  They attended presentations and asked questions, they understood the importance of their firsthand knowledge, always demonstrating compassion and care in the representation of all First Responders.  This Program exists, because we care.  PRISM thanks all that participated and openly acknowledges that we are not done!  The Task Force will reconvene in 2024 for a deeper review of First Responder Peer Support Services.

On behalf of PRISM, the dedicated Task Force and Alliant, we thank all First Responders for their continued commitment and dedication to public safety.  This Program is for you and your families!