Summer Emergency Preparedness

As the summer season unfolds, most school districts find themselves transitioning from end-of-year celebrations to preparations for the upcoming year. Emergency preparedness is universally recognized as paramount, particularly in confronting emergency situations. During this time of preparation, we would like to emphasize taking this opportunity to update your district's emergency bins and go bags. This ensures that your district remains well-equipped to address any unforeseen emergency situation. To help you get started with these updates, check out this resource on Emergency “Go-Kits” for K-12 Schools from Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Center (REMS). For questions regarding emergency management or emergency resources, contact Scarlett Sadler.

Updated Child Abuse: Mandated Reporter Training for California (EDU) Course

Vector Solutions has recently updated the "Child Abuse: Mandated Reporter Training for California (EDU)" course. This interactive online course complies with the training requirements of the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA). It provides up-to-date information on identifying mandated reporters, understanding the legal obligations and protections tied to mandated reporting, recognizing signs of child abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect, and following the correct procedures to report concerns to the appropriate authorities. If you have any questions about the course, please reach out to Scarlett Sadler.

Heat Illness Prevention Resources

As the warmer weather quickly approaches, public agencies across California are urged to prioritize the protection of outdoor workers against heat illness. Cal/OSHA's Heat Illness Prevention Standard, Title 8 CCR, Section 3395, requires employers to establish comprehensive procedures, including policies and training, to mitigate heat illness. It is crucial for outdoor workers to undergo heat illness training before starting work in hot conditions. To discover more about PRISM's heat illness resources, visit our blog. For inquiries about heat illness resources, please reach out to Scarlett Sadler.

Nuts and Bolts of the New Title IX Final Rule – 2024 Webcast

On June 14, 2024, a new webcast titled “Nuts and Bolts of the new Title IX Final Rule: Compliance Obligations, Strategies for Policy Development and Implementation and Tackling Training” will be premiering on PRISMtv. This webcast will address the new regulations, which include significant changes affecting educational institutions as compared to prior Title IX regulations issued in 2020, including clarification of defined terms, an expanded geographical scope, changes to the investigative process, and the inclusion of sexual orientation, gender identity, and pregnancy/lactation protections under Title IX. Registration is not required, visit PRISMtv to view this webcast. For any questions regarding this webcast, contact Doug McGill.

Coming Soon!
Grab a snack and watch the show to discover new resources coming soon to PRISM members!

In case you missed it...

CDPH Health Guidance for Schools on Sports and Strenuous Activities During Extreme Heat

Supreme Court Clarifies Test for Whether Blocking Public from Officials’ Social Media Accounts Violates First Amendment

Preparing for the Unplanned Risks of Campus Protests



Risk Control Toolbox


Partner Programs

Partner Program Spotlight
PRISM has partnered with Health and Safety Institute (HSI) to offer high-quality CPR, First Aid, and AED training options. PRISM has also negotiated a favorable, reduced rate for members. Contact Risk Control for additional information.