Education Connection

June is here, but that doesn't mean a trip to the beach for everyone. The EIA understands there's still lots of work left to complete, and we hope the following articles help you check off some of those items on your to-do list.
(Not So) Attractive Nuisances

Construction projects create an exposure to liability when visitors, children, and, yes, even trespassers, are able to gain access to your construction project. 

Our latest Risk Simplified article about (Not So) Attractive Nuisances will help you reduce a commonly overlooked risk arising from summer construction projects. 
Stop the Bleed Campaign
No matter what you’re planning for, every emergency  preparedness plan needs to include first aid training, and for some scenarios (e.g., active shooter) sites  should consider offering advanced bleeding control training to their employees.

At this time, we are gauging our members’ interest in this type of training. Please contact us if you would be interested in offering advanced bleeding control training at your school sites through a third party vendor at a pre-negotiated cost.

Prevent Injuries During the Summer
Don't forget about your custodial personnel's safety as they ensue their summer facility cleaning schedules.  This article can be used as a tailgate training tool as they begin their task of deep cleaning the schools’ floors this summer. 


EIA's Upcoming Trainings
School Liability Handbook: Student Activities and Employment Issues
School Emergency Planning & Safety
Active Shooter Awareness Guidance


Have you checked out EIAtv and its new Educators Channel?  View the most recently aired programs:
• Response Considerations Beyond Mandated Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse
• Building a Knowledgeable Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Team
Service Spotlight
Want to evaluate your risks through a series of online self-assessment questionnaires? Using our Risk Assessment Tool, EIA members have the ability to compare assessment results to best practices and regulatory requirements. After answering the questionnaires, this tool will help develop custom plans of action to assist with your continuous improvement efforts.