PRISM’s Executive Committee and Chairs of the other Committees hold a two-day strategic planning session each year. During the strategic planning session last fall, a goal was established to explore the development of a new joint powers authority (JPA) as a mechanism for public entities to self-service where the private sector is not meeting their needs. One area that was identified was workers’ compensation and liability claims administration. Public entities currently have two choices: self-administer with in-house staff or contract with a third-party administrator to handle their claims. Starting a JPA to provide claims administration services for public entities in California could be a new third option.
Please Note: PRISM is not looking to offer claims administration services to members. However, the quality of claims handling does impact the overall cost of claims, so PRISM and its Programs do have a vested interest in ensuring our members have good quality claims handling services. As such, PRISM is engaging public entities in a conversation about whether a claims administration JPA might be a viable alternative to improve the claims administration experience.
Please assist us in determining whether there is interest in exploring this concept by completing a short survey. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Thank you,
Gina Dean
Chief Executive Officer |