Workers’ Comp, Liability and Med Mal Renewal Applications are LIVE!
The 2022/23 renewal application process is underway! The applications are located under Renewals on our website. For questions, please contact the Underwriting Department.

Please join us on Thursday, August 12th at 10:00 a.m., for an overview of the 2022/23 renewal application collection process for EWC and GL program members. PRISM staff will be conducting a live demonstration of the renewal application and will be available for Q&A. If you are interested but unable to attend, the webcast will be recorded on PRISM TV allowing you to view it at a time more convenient for you. Register here.

PRISM Perspectives Podcast:
Threat Assessment Teams & Workplace Violence Awareness
Join us for the next episode of the PRISM Perspectives podcast Threat Assessment Teams & Workplace Violence Awareness. Guest hosts Sarah Bruno, PRISM Sr. Risk Control Specialist, and Charles Williams, PRISM Director of Risk Control, will be joined by special guest Dr. Steve Albrecht to discuss this important topic. 

Do you have a specific topic you’d like covered, or question you’d like to ask regarding threat assessment or workplace violence? Submit it now, and we’ll cover it on the podcast!
Vector Solutions: Home Visitation Safety Basics
Vector Solutions has a new course: Home Visitation Safety Basics. This interactive course, developed by PRISM staff, will teach employees how to reduce the risk associated with the participation of in-home client visits. Topics covered in this course include:
  • The Basic Safety Cycle
  • Prepare for Safety
  • Pre-Visit Preparations
  • Safety During the Visit
  • Additional Considerations
For additional information about Vector Solutions or this course, please contact Risk Control.
COIVD-19 Prevention Policy Template
PRISM has created an internal COVID-19 prevention policy. We'd like to pass this on to Members as a template for use at your entities, if needed. The template can be downloaded as a Word document from the PRISM website. If you have any questions please reach out to Member Services.
EPA Lowers Lead Hazard Threshold
The EPA made significant changes to dust-lead clearance levels, as part of the its efforts to reduce childhood lead exposure. Read more on PRISM's blog.

A Sneak Peek at what's...

Coming Soon banner outside of a theatre

Committee Meetings

Underwriting, 8/25
CRC, 8/25
PRISMHealth, 8/26
Med Mal, 9/1
Prop, 9/2
Exec, 9/2
CRC2, 9/8
Leg, 9/9
CRC, 9/10
Mem Serv., 9/15
Tech., 9/17
Oct. Board, 9/30
COVID-19 Resource Page
Please remember to check the COVID-19 Resources page. There you will find links to important information, PRISM staff created articles and other resources. The page is updated regularly, so check back often.