February 12, 2020
JPA Agreement Update and Proposed Name Change
The Executive Committee has approved the circulation of draft revisions to the JPA agreement, primarily due to an approved name change for the EIA! The new name being proposed is Public Risk Innovation, Solutions, and Management or PRISM.
Remember to sign up for tomorrow’s webinar at 9 a.m. on the changes to the JPA Agreement. More information on the new name will be coming soon!
For questions on the JPA Agreement draft circulation, please contact Mike Pott.
POST Course in Riverside
EIA’s POST Certified course De-Escalation& Interpersonal Communication is scheduled in Riverside on March 11. Attendees will learn how to generate voluntary compliance through interpersonal communication tools and the art of persuasion. Registration is available now on the EIA website (for law enforcement affiliated personnel only, POST ID required). Questions? Contact EIA Risk Control.
Register for Board of Directors Meeting
Remember to register for the March Board of Directors Meeting. Join us March 5th and 6th for Member Discussion Groups, the Executive Committee meeting, Board Workshops on California Legislature in 2020 and Early Resolution Through Communication & Collaboration, as well as the Board Meeting. We'll see you there!