Now Available! PRISM 23/24 Annual Report
Announcing the PRISM 2023/24 Annual Report: Bridges
"Building, Maintaining - Helping you over rough terrain." Just like constructing a bridge, PRISM bolsters programs to ensure strength and reliability over time. Our members, committees, staff, and others collaborate each year to prepare for emerging challenges, while reinforcing lessons learned from the past.

Read the Annual Report to see how the bridges we’ve built over the years continue to support and connect us all!

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Tani Corona.
New Service! PRISM Employment Practices Legal Advice Services
The employment law advice hotline is open! Starting January 1st, the advice hotline has transitioned in-house. Members can access PRISM’s in-house legal experts, Katie Mola, Deputy General Counsel and Patrick Sutton, Senior Employment Law Attorney, for assistance navigating their labor and employment law matters. Examples of the support they provide include:
  • Return to work issues, modified duty, and reasonable accommodations;
  • Harassment and retaliation prevention;
  • Policy and handbook review;
  • Performance management and discipline;
  • And much more!
Access PRISM Employment Practices Legal Advice Services as little or as often as your agency needs. Request an intake form today to get started! Contact Katie Mola at (916) 850-7400 or to begin the intake process. Share this flyer with your staff, and check out this Q&A page for more information.
Now Available! PRISM Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
PRISM’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024 is now available on the website. The report was prepared by PRISM and has been audited by independent auditors, Gilbert CPAs. The PRISM Affiliate Risk Captive (ARC) Audit Report is available as well. If you have any questions, or would like a copy of these reports, please contact Ven Barrameda.
ARM and CPCU - Study Group & Live Session Resources
Ready to elevate your risk management expertise? The ARM (Associate in Risk Management) designation is the gold standard in our industry—equipping you with the tools and knowledge to excel. EIP and the Risk Management Study Group are once again hosting the ARM webinar series for the 2025/26 Program Year, starting with ARM 402 – Successfully Treating Risk. Sessions run for eight weeks on Tuesday evenings (recorded for those who can’t attend live). Registration has been discounted to only $99 for PRISM and Emerging Insurance Professionals (EIP) members!

Learn more by reading the blog here and be sure to register soon. If you have any questions, please reach out to Skylar Golding for more information.

A Sneak Peek at what's...

Committee Meetings

Exec, 1/9
Mem. Serv., 1/15
CRC2, 1/22
CRC, 1/24
Leg, 1/24
PRISMHealth, 1/30
UW, 2/5
Exec, 2/6
Fin, 2/13
Leg, 2/20