Reminder - Renewal Invoices Sent!

In case you missed it last week, all 24/25 renewal invoices have been emailed out from Please note, there was a revised Cyber Renewal invoice that was emailed out on 7/12. If you are missing any invoices, please reach out to Marissa Case at (916) 850-7300.

Register now for the CAJPA webinar "Understanding Grants Pass: Analysis and Takeaways From The Supreme Court's Decision in City of Grants Pass V. Johnson" on Friday, July 19, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM. This webinar is free for CAJPA Members & $10 for Non-members. You must be signed in to receive your member discount. Registration closes July 18, 2024. Check out the registration page for more information.
Property Grants
Are you part of the Property Program? Your entity is eligible to apply for a Property Program Grant, which includes up to $25k per member, per fiscal year, on a matching basis. Funds may be used for risk control programs and projects designed to reduce exposures associated with the Property Program.

One great way to use these matching funds is to protect vacant buildings. Applications should be submitted to the PRISM Risk Control Department to be considered at the next Property Committee Meeting. For additional information check out the FAQ’s and please do not hesitate to contact Doug McGill.

A Sneak Peek at what's...

Committee Meetings

Mem. Serv., 7/17
PRISMHealth, 7/17
Emp. Bene., 7/18
MedMal, 8/1
Leg., 8/7
CRC2, 8/14
CRC/UW, 8/14