New Risk Assessment: COVID-19 Prevention Plan for Offices
As we transition into Stage 2 of California’s Resilience Roadmap, PRISM Risk Control has developed a COVID-19 Prevention Plan assessment for members working to reopen their office workspaces. This assessment is designed to identify gaps in the plan, and is based upon guidance developed by the State of California. Please visit PRISM’s Risk Assessment Tool to gain access to this new assessment. If you have any questions about this assessment or the Risk Assessment Tool, please contact PRISM’s Risk Control Department.
COVID-19 Resource Page: Workplace Reopening
A new section is available on the COVID-19 Resources page on Workplace Reopening. Find the California specific guidance from CDPH and Cal/OSHA on reopening office workplaces.

Also, read the latest Legal Eye blog post on COVID-19 and Workers' Compensation Laws in California.

The page is updated regularly, so check back often.
We're Hiring
PRISM is hiring! We're currently looking to fill three positions: Liability Claims SpecialistSenior Business Systems Analyst, and Senior Database Developer. Check out our website for more information on these positions! 


Risk Management Practitioner Program - Course 2: Live Virtual Training
Patient Access to the Medical Chart
Risk Management Practitioner Program - Course 3

Committee Meetings

Risk Control, 5/14
Legislative, 5/14
EIAHealth, 5/20
Medical Malpractice, 5/21
Finance, 5/21
Employee Benefits, 5/21
Member Services, 5/22
Underwriting, 6/3
Executive, 6/4
Board of Directors, 6/5