
POST Certified Courses


Course: Stress Management Strategies

This 1-hour online, self-paced course is designed to help officers find ways to manage stress on and off the job. Law enforcement is a high stress and fast paced career and at times requires split second decision making. This doesn’t just affect sworn law enforcement on the street. It also includes dispatchers, evidence technicians, records clerks, and the other non-sworn staff that help keep our streets safe and our agencies running. The goal of this course is to help give you the tools to deal with the stress of the job in healthy and productive ways.  

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Course: Use of Force/De-escalation

This 1-hour online, self-paced course is designed to provide law enforcement officers the knowledge and strategies to safely bring volatile situations with persons in crisis to a non-violent conclusion. This course provides assessment techniques allowing officers to recognize signs of crisis and potential underlying causes of crisis. Officers will gain an awareness of individual behaviors and traits that enhance or hinder de-escalation efforts, and develop the ability to implement verbal and non-verbal de-escalation strategies, including self-control, when encountering a person in crisis. Officers will be better equipped to evaluate how policing tactics impact the outcome of an interaction with a person in crisis.

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In Person

PRISM will bring no-cost training to you. Organizations interested in hosting in-person training should contact PRISM Risk Control at 916-850-7300.

Course: Stress Management - Police Under Pressure - 22322
The intent of the course is to improve the law enforcement officer’s ability to recognize stress factors, to understand contributors of stress in an officer’s life, to combat the negative impacts of stress on the officer’s wellbeing, and to utilize resources to reduce the long-term effects of stress on an officer. Attendees will walk away with practical tools to deal with stress, the benefits of utilizing a Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) program, and the benefits of utilizing a peer support program.

Course: Strategic Communication/ De-escalation - 29560
The intent of the course is to improve the ability to generate voluntary compliance through the art of persuasion and utilizing the tools of strategic communication. Peace officers will receive an overview of strategic communication concepts such as: listening and persuasion skills, dealing with difficult people, dealing with people that have disabilities, inappropriate communication, and other communication principles. Learning activities include video based case studies and scenario based discussion groups.