
PRISM Lobbyist Information

Michael Y. Corbett and Associates (MYCA), a government relations firm, began representing PRISM in 1998.  In recent years, it has collaborated with Shaw/Yoder/Antwih, Inc. to co-represent PRISM, an arrangement that provides greater advocacy resources to PRISM.  MYCA is headquartered in Sacramento, California, at 770 L Street, Suite 950.  The firm specializes in providing advocacy and consulting services to local government entities, primarily counties.

Prior to establishing his own firm, Michael Y. Corbett spent four years as a policy consultant and legislative representative with the California State Association of Counties (CSAC), where he specialized in issues ranging from economic development, to the administration of justice, to tort reform.  Shortly after joining CSAC, Michael was selected to represent county interests in tort reform negotiations with the California Trial Lawyers Association.  Those negotiations, which also included city and special district representatives, culminated in the enactment of comprehensive tort reform legislation in the summer of 1987.

MYCA is a “full service” advocacy and consulting firm, providing an array of government relations services, including advocacy before the California Legislature, the Governor’s Office, and various state administrative and regulatory agencies.  As a result of 35-plus years in government, the last 30 having been focused on county government issues, the firm’s principal, Michael Y. Corbett, has a proven ability to interact among the delineated branches of government to achieve favorable results for the firm’s clients.

MYCA’s proven approach is to work between and within the three political environments that largely shape public policy in the State Capitol – the Legislature, the State Administration and the “third house” of represented special interest groups, while always distinguishing between primary and secondary issues of interest to its clients and seeking to identify potential coalition partners.

PRISM Lobbyist 
Michael Y. Corbett 
Michael Y. Corbett & Associates 
770 L Street, Suite 950, Sacramento, CA 95814 
Phone: (916) 449-3936 
Fax: (916)  354-9773