Essential Job Duties
In order to assist PRISM members with Return to Work programs we created this collection of Essential Job Duties. Sometimes doctors and claims administrators do not fully understand the physical requirements of a particular job. This classification specific document, developed jointly by the employer and employee, will help the professional determine relevant work capacities and if they are able to return to work.
This form focuses on how a job is performed. It details the actual activities, demands, and environmental conditions usually required in the job, including frequencies and hours per day. This includes, for example, details about movement, activity, lifting and carrying.
Want more information about return to work programs? Check out this Cal/OSHA handbook, “Helping Injured Employees Return to Work”
The documents below require you to have a security password. To gain member only access to these documents, or for additional information, please contact Risk Control at (916) 850-7300.
We have provided a Sample Document to give you an idea of what to expect.