SB 95, signed into law on March 19, 2021, expands the COVID-19 related supplemental paid sick leave (SPSL) law. PRISM Risk Control discussed SB 95 with Patti Eyres, Managing Partner of Eyres Law Group, to get a better understanding of the important facts of the bill.
Participation in an EPN is required for many California employers.
Read this break down of changes and updates about Workers' Comp and COVID-19.
Cal/OSHA has created a resource that helps to outline which tests or examinations may be able to be postponed.
In an effort to maintain compliance, PRISM members subject to the COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standard are encouraged to keep abreast of the regulatory landscape surrounding the COVID-19 Prevention standard.
As 2020 ended, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) finalized new rules for drones used in the workplace.
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued a new guidance document aligned with current CDC guidelines.
AB 1963 becomes effective January 1, 2021 and changes the definition of mandated reporters and therefore who in your agency needs to be trained.
California’s Office of Administrative Law approved the Cal-OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards for COVID-19 Prevention.
As schools contemplate reopening, districts are encouraged to procure disinfectants that kill the coronavirus using the least hazardous active ingredient.
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