EssentiaLink Archive
2015 Medical Malpractice Risk Management Seminar; York SIMS Go-Live; Verbal Judo Communications Training; EIA is Hiring
EIA Annual Orientation/Re-Orientation Seminar; EWC Actuarial Results, 2015/16 Rates, and Allocation Review Webinar; EIA Healthcare Symposium; EIA Hiring
General Liability I & II Coverage Review Webinar; Verbal Judo Communication Strategies Training
March Board of Directors Meeting; EIA Healthcare Symposium; Verbal Judo Communications Training; EIA Receives Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
EIA Annual Orientation/Re-Orientation Seminar; Safety Management Certification Training 3 Day Course; Treasurer's Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2014
BREAKING NEWS: President Obama Signs TRIA; EIA Hiring: Senior Loss Prevention Specialist; Review of Fiscal 13/14 Financial Statements (CAFR) Webinar
Master Crime Policy Notice; Committee Nominations End Tuesday, November 25th
Committee Nominations Underway; Medical Malpractice Program Renewal Applications and Webinar
EIA 2014 CAFR Posted to Website; Elimination of Loss Prevention Platform User Fees; New Labor/Employment Law Services Program; EIA Hiring: Senior Loss Prevention Specialist; Can Security Pay for Itself in the City
Welcome California State Universities; Reminder: Medical Malpractice Program Renewal Applications; California Trust Act; Save the Date: 2015 Healthcare Symposium; Happy Holidays and EIA Office Closures
Showing 1–10 of 33